Tue 07 Jan
Start Your ''DAY" 0FF WITH a -*¨ BAG ¨¨* BIG "48" BOOTY SMALL "26" WAIST VIXEN *¨ - 21
👑👑👑👑 Outcall Only 408-907-5683 💎💎💎 Beauty Girl 💎💎💎 Chinese Gina 👑👑👑👑* - 22
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Oakland, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)
♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ *HOT Taiwanese Girl* ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ CHARMING AND RELAXING ▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥LATE NIGHT OPEN - 27
(San Gabriel Valley, Walnut/Diamond Bar/West Covina)
Let Me be Your Happy Meal_Take A Lunch Break with Me or Just Come Over After Work! - 33
✯ SJC ✯ No.1 IN-CaLLs Here! ❎⭕❎⭕❎⭕❎⭕❎⭕❎⭕❎⭕❎ Seductive 😜 Sweet 🍏 Annie 🍒 Mandy 💛 👉 408-601-0456 - 24
(Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, SJC Airport 👉 Casino M8trix 95112)
===If you feel cold and lonely these Asian girls in the SGV cab keep you warm and happy == - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, San Gabriel Valley Fwy 10)
**** **** GORGEOUS *¨¨* Sweet *¨¨* BUSTY *** Asian *** beauty **** **** - 23
(Orange County, OC/405Fwy Brookhurst)
♥ SeXy *♥* UnRusheD BeaUtY *♥* Exotic *♥* *100% * SwEET - 23
(North SD County, carlsbad/ Oceanside in call 5fwy)
Hotjas Reviewed Provider🍫New🍫 💦Slippery💦Why 💦 Miss👅O👑I🔦 Do🌇It⌚All💦CLICK ME👅Lubbock Now - 22
(Lubbock, Lubbock Tx)
//// CLASSY / SEXY / INTRIGUING / Exotic mix / INcall & OUTcall specials always ready to PLAY ////: - 19
(City of San Diego, San Diego/MISSION VALLEY)
♛ GOOD & PLENTY ♛ 40E-30-42 Sinfully Stacked Exotic Mature Brunette ♛ CC'S OK - 44
(Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria, San Antonio In call MC and Visa Accepted)
💕 MonDay's MagiCaL MaSSage 💕 SuPer SenSual 💕 ProMise 2 TREAT U Rite 💕 ViDeo 💕 2108787503 - 29
(INCALL - Airport Area, San Antonio)
@ -- -- 4 Hands Table Shower — Asian Massage — City of Canoga Park — $10 OFF— @ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park Area Vanowen)
** DoN t* SeTtLE* FoR* ThE* LeAsT* WhEn* YoU* CaN* HaVe* ThE* GrEaTeST **== - 24
(Midtown East, [ 33 St and 2nd ave ])
** DoN t* SeTtLE* FoR* ThE* LeAsT* WhEn* YoU* CaN* HaVe* ThE* GrEaTeST **/_. - 24
(Midtown East, [ 33 St and 2nd ave ])
(¯`'•.¸★ ██ ★¸.•'´¯) ——Cute Sexy Asians——★ ██ ★ Full Body Slide ——— - 22
(Midtown West, Midtown W 46 st /9 av)
#8064370416 ♥Alixcharlie♥ LAST chance* →Ill Be new adDICtion b4 i leave e←*its ME or its FREE* - 26
(Lubbock, IC slayton hwy & OC Lubbock)
@ ___ ___ @ Asian Massage in Riverside all new staff @ __ __ @ 9 5 1 - 6 8 8 - 8 5 8 5 @ _ _ _ _ @ - 25
(Inland Empire, Riverside on H O L E St)
Mon 06 Jan
WHITE And LATINA Mixx 💦80$ 80$ 80$ 💦 Slim Goodie 💞💞 A Treat For You 👅 Up Late Night - 19
(Anaheim, Orange County)
Kelley Leigh Extremely Classy and Very Discreet!!!! - 40
(Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Westsi, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
(Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock, San Antonio by Bass Pro Shops/Fiesta TX)
(SPECIALS aLL Day SPECIALS To 3am) R3aDy 2 Serve In Everyway) apt Are Going Fast - 24
(Near Downtown)
🌟 Naughty Seductive Latina Playmate🌟 Call now for Special 💋 - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose. will travel to surrounding are)
TianTian 19,Nicole 24! 2 Sexy Asian Princess Here For Your Sweetie! Exotic Journey Beyond Time, - 19
PRETTY_" ASIAN T-Girl" ______________ Sensual Massage. Fantasy. Fetish. OFF 680 & 880 ------- - 27
💞💞💞 Hot Asian Sweetie! 🎀🎀🎀🎀 408-907-0127 💋💋 Gigi 💋💋 Outcall Only // - 21
(City of San Jose, Outcall Only, San Jose / South Bay)
Relax and Rejuvenate in Luxury -- New Beautiful Masseusses -- (san jose west) - 28
(San Jose / South Bay, CA)
===The Hottest Asian Girl in SGV== - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley Fwy 10)
❤ !!! Asian Massage Santa Clara !!! ❤ - 26
(Santa Clarita Palmdale 14 Fwy)
❤ Tujunga Massage ❤ - 26
(Glendale Burbank Tujunga Sunland)
Massive Swingers Party Tonight Hardcore Action Tonight!!! RSVP NOW Party with many - 24
(mission vallley)
°°-:¦:-°° ! DROP.DEAD .GORGEOUS ! °°-:¦:-°° - 23
(City of San Diego, Clairemont Mesa Incalls)
Hey guys lonely tonight take a trip down Savannah Lane where your secret is safe - 22
(Cleveland, East/West)
**** V. NeSSa **** sexy face, classy ways, kinky taste {{AVAiLabLE NOW}} - 22
(North SD County, San Marcos/Esco/Vista/Oceanside)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» Look whos Back* In TOWN!!! »--» Your Favorite** Exotic Asian Hottie !!! - 18
(San Diego, Oceanside)
100% Satisfaction ~~~ [ NEW GIRL ] ~~~ ASIAN MASSAGE ~~~ [ NEW GIRL ] ~~~ 100% Satisfaction - 26
(5003 ANTOINE DR E/713-269-1977)
★ HOT & BUSTY ★ —————— Available now ——————— ★ A REAL PICTURE GIRL !! - 23
(Midtown East, [ ★ ] Midtown Incall [★])
$60 Half Hour COME Get Your GIFT Guys Merry XMas Ive Been Naughty Need To Be Spanked - 24
(8 mile & Greenfield (ALONE) LETS PARTY, Detroit)
o♥o W_A_R_N_I_N_G o♥o E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y o♥o A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E o♥o - 23
(Oklahoma City, My place or yours baby...)
Gorgeous Masseuse Today !! 👌 Lilly, Tina & Linda 🍒 Wow 👌 Amazing 👉 (949) 240-8870 👈 🍒 - 21
(32086 Camino Capistrano #3 🍊 SJC 🍒 ⏠⎠, Huntington Beach, Orange County)
[[!]]DeLiCiOuS && TaNtAlIzInG MuLlEtO BaRbIe[[!]] MoUtH WaTeRiNg SpEcIaLs AlL NiTe LoNg[[!]] - 19
(Oklahoma City, State Wide Outcalls)
• —— -—— • Asian Massage in Glendora Azusa Covina• —— • 626-852-7818 • -- • Table Shower • — • - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, Glendora Azusa Covina 210 Fwy)
Its ME or Its Free Mona Magic your Ultimate Companion Dont Waist Time Im The BEST - 22
(North Jersey, Secaucus- Harmon Meadow)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU!
(Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria, OutCall)
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀🈲Chinese Girl Cora🈲▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀🔞Short Stay🔞▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄㊙️REAL PHOTO㊙️▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, Fremont (680 X mission))
★ Hot Young Asian Sweetie WeiWei New in Town 415-619-9661 (Peninsula) - 23
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Millbrae Incall, North Bay, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo)
Asian Model ~ CMT / FBSM / BR / H ~ (650-771-6536) - 42
(San Jose / South Bay, santa Clara/280 Hwy/ Saratoga Ave)
**NaUgHtY** ♥~ PerFecT *¨: *::: PlayMaTe *::: *:: SuPeR*:* ::SexXxi* ;~** - 21
(IN/OUT 24/7)
░░▒▒▓▓ grand opening! ░░ new three! Hot young beauty ░░ ♥♥ ♥ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, 19961 Ventura Blvd #B Woodland Hills,)
######## Outcall Only 408-907-5683 &&& Beauty Girl &&& Chinese Gina &&&/// - 22
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)